
Usability Template for Website

# ‘Tab’ key order should be Top left to Right bottom to be used correctly.
# On hitting “Enter” key, submit button action should be executed.
# Chain link orders and links should be integrated.
# Flash detector script should be used during page-load.
# “Back” links needed in all form pages.
# Give “Hand” cursor style on links / buttons / image links.
# Header logo should be provided with homepage link.
# Sitemap link should be given.
# Upload fields – Relevant file-type captions should be displayed.
# Tool tips sh
ould be given for images, buttons and links.
# Field names should be given relevant to the field.
# Page heading is must.
# “Loading” image should be displayed until the entire flash is loaded.
# Need “case-sensitive” checking on password checking.
# Script errors in forms and fields.
# Split up any form into multiple steps. (Only if the fields are many).
# Confirmation message should be give before the records are Delete and Edit.
# Confirmation message should be give after the records are Add, Edit and Delete.
# After page loaded the Cursor should be placed in first field.
# To Click the Menus and Submenus are navigated correctly.
# In Browse field file, the file extension should be given in Bracket to load a suitable image.
# Shortcut key should be given for the Add, Edit and Delete button.
# Drop down items should be sorted in Alphabetic sorting by default.
# Buttons on the screen should be given with shortcut keys.
# All read-only fields should be avoided in the TAB Sequence.
# The Cursor should be focused on the first input field or control when the screen is opened.
# All the field length should be fixed.
# Navigation links / menus - The required page should be accessed from any page.
# The Screen is accessible via buttons.
# The Screen is accessed correctly by double clicking on a list control on the previous screen.
# Character or Alphanumeric fields/data’s should be left aligned.
# Numeric fields/data’s should be right aligned.
# When an error message occurs, cursor should be focused on the relevant field.
# Design of buttons should be given with similar size, shape, font color and font size.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey buddy good one da. keep posting more.....

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