
Photoshop Shortcuts

Awesome Photoshop Shortcuts:
Marque Tool - m
Lasso Tool - l
Eraser - e
Paint Bucket - k
Move - v
Magic Wand - w
Paint Brush - b
History Brush - y
Blur - r
Pen tool - p
Type tool - t
Linear Gradient - g
Eye Dropper - i
Zoom Tool - z
Switch between the background and foreground colors use “x”.
Restore the default colors then simply hit “d”.
For more space on, simply hit “Tab” to hide other tools.
Use “f” to switch the screen modes.

General Menu Shortcuts
New - Ctrl + N
Open - Ctrl + O
Save - Ctrl + S
Save as - Ctrl + Shift + S
Close - Ctrl + W
Undo - Ctrl + Z
Copy - Ctrl + C
Cut - Ctrl + X
Paste - Ctrl + V
Free Transform - Ctrl + T
Show Ruler - Ctrl + R
Hide Ruler - Ctrl + ;
Show Grid - Ctrl + ”
Snap Grid - Ctrl + Shift + ”
Zoom In - Ctrl + +
Zoom Out - Ctrl + -
Hue / Saturation - Ctrl + U

Layers Shortcuts
New Layer - Ctrl + Shift + N
Duplicate a Layer (Copy Layer) - Ctrl + J
Cut a Layer - Ctrl + Shift + J
Bring Layer Front - Ctrl + Shift + ]
Bring Forward - Ctrl + ]
Send Backward - Ctrl + [
Send Layer Back - Ctrl + Shift + [
Group Layers - Ctrl + G
Ungroup - Ctrl + Shift + G
Merge Layers - Ctrl + E
Select All - Ctrl + A
Deselect All - Ctrl + D
Reselect All - Ctrl + Shift + D
Feather - Ctrl + Alt + D
Inverse - Ctrl + Shift + I

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